In fact we think the most important reason for writing good content is to meaningfully engage with your audience. But what does this even mean, why does content matter, and what does ‘good content’ look like?
Global studies over the last few years show that consumer trust in marketing, advertising and media is on a steady decline. So it stands to reason that now is the time to give your customers more reason to believe in your brand, and the easiest way to do this is by publishing valuable, quality online content.
“Integrating super-personalized marketing into your strategy is a way for your business to say, ‘I’m listening. I know what you want… what you need… what you enjoy.’ The more your business shows this to a customer or prospect, the more likely they will be to connect with you and become a promoter of your business.” — Jess Marranco, HubSpot
‘Good content’ should be written to educate, by including information that the reader actually wants to learn about (i.e. it’s not just self-promotional chatter). Consumer expectations have changed, and readers can recognize ‘fluff’ content from a mile away! Show that you know your audience by presenting content that you know will appeal to them, instead of filling your pages and posts with SEO filler-words, jargon or hard-sell language.
“AUTHENTICITY IS BEING HUMAN. It’s that simple. Professional content marketing is selling the human in your business to the humans who buy from your business.” — Ryan Hanley,
You want to create something that uses your genuine voice. This shows passion for what you’re doing and demonstrates why you do what you do. Writing authentic content that people are genuinely interested in will have a much more positive impact on your audience and therefore your business. We suggest applying this through all the copy on your website, across every social media post you create, and last but not least – your blog. These content marketing strategies (which include stand out visuals) are the drivers for people to share your content across their various social platforms, resulting in greater customer engagement and a wider social network.
Recent studies from Kapost show that content marketing on average costs 62% less than paid advertising whilst gathering three times more leads. These reports also showed that small businesses who maintain a blog on their website gain an average of 126% more online leads!
We understand that writing content (especially for and about yourself) can be overwhelming, time consuming and difficult (ummmm, it took us 18 months to write all of our own website content!), and often it can pay to outsource this part of your business. So if you would like assistance with your content marketing in any capacity, please get in touch with us today.